“For it is in giving that we receive.”
― Francis of Assisi
― Francis of Assisi
Online and Via the App |
Simply Giving |
Now you can share your generosity by giving through our website or by using the Give feature in our new church app. To give online, scroll down to the "Give Online" section. To learn more about the new app and to download the app to you smartphone or tablet, scroll to the section labeled "Give With the App Today." Thank you for your support!
The Simply Giving Program lets you set up automatic recurring donations to Lord of Life. Fill in the form, print it out, then add your signature and date. Take the form to the church office or mail it to:
Lord of Life Lutheran Church 2899 Hales Mill Road Asbury, IA 52002 |
WorshipOur Fall schedule from mid-September through most of May offers worship on Sundays at 8:00am & 10:30am, with the 10:30 service livestreamed. Our summer schedule, from Memorial weekend through Labor Day weekend provides services on Saturdays at 4:00pm and Sundays at 10:30am. The Saturday service is livestreamed and also availble on your own schedule via our YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter pages.