Caring For Our World
Quilts for Lutheran World Relief
Quilts That Travel The World 2nd Monday of each month 6:30 PM Gathering Space, Upper Level Join our quilters as they prepare and assemble quilts that will reach out to those with some of the greatest needs in the world. Help Lord of Life wrap them in love by the work of your hands. Through Lutheran World Relief, the quilts are distributed all over the world. No sewing experience necessary. For more information, email the church office at [email protected], or call the church office at 563-582-7371 Quilters will not meet as a group during the summer months, (June, July, August). We will resume in September. |
We are a church that believes God is calling us into the world — together.
Relief and Development
ELCA Malaria Campaign ELCA World Hunger HIV and Aids Ministry Lutheran Disaster Response Immigration and Refugee Service Lutheran Social Services |
The Global Church
Africa Asia and Pacific Young Adults in Global Mission Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa and more...... |
Publicly Engaged Church
AMMPARO Migrant Children Peace Not Walls Racial Justice Ministries Faith, Science and Technology Justice for Women Social Issues |