2019 Cottage Meeting Summary
General Comments
It is evident to me, as pastor, that the people of Lord of Life genuinely care for each other and that there is a passion for this place that is unique. I am grateful to all who opened their homes and all who hosted a cottage meeting at home or at church. I am also grateful to the council leaders who faithfully attended the cottage meetings to capture the responses to our questions in written form. There are distinct patterns in the responses, which I shall endeavor to capture in a brief summary.
In response to the question, “Why did you join Lord of Life?”
The things that were lifted up repeatedly had to do with what I will call “community.” When visiting Lord of Life for the first time, people found the people to be friendly and inviting. Music was also lifted up multiple times, the quality and diversity of musical offerings and involvement of members in sharing their gifts seemed to be a big positive. Another word that was repeated several times was “family.”
In response to the question, “What do you most enjoy about being part of this community?”
One person responded, “It’s more than worship. It’s family.” This resonated with the first question responses. It was also repeated that Lord of Life has a casual yet engaging way of being church. One person even stated that coming to Lord of Life resulted in them feeling welcomed for the first time in 75 years!
We will continue to evaluate and make suggestions around the topic of hospitality and welcome and seek ways for new members to integrate into the community of faith we share. We will have a renewed emphasis on fellowship opportunities, including a unified worship service on September 9th to bring everyone together after the summer for Rally Day and God’s Work Our Hands, and we will have a celebration of our 40th anniversary to share the story of how we got here and inspire us to think about where we are called forward by the Spirit.
Faith Formation
The Bible study on Colossians 3:16-17 led to the next question. “What do these words mean?”
16 Let the word of Christ[a] dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.[b] 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Responses were varied and included the importance of participating in worship, the importance of finding joy in serving. We also discussed that we serve in response to what God has first done for us, so we serve in Jesus’ name.
“What does it mean to grow spiritually?”
Though there was some hesitancy to respond to this question for some, others shared that they believed that growing spiritually meant doing things like participating in educational opportunities, taking some risks to do things that they have not previously tried, and learning how to listen for what God is saying through reading the Bible, listening to sermons, and prayer.
“In what ways have you been nurtured spiritually at Lord of Life?”
Bible studies such as a series called the Bethel Bible Study from years ago were lifted up by a few people. Others mentioned worship experiences, music, and through special services such as Holy Week and the Longest Night before Christmas. Others said that they were nurtured through relationships with others at Lord of Life.
“What can we do to help each other grow spiritually?”
General responses point toward encouraging others to participate in the life of the church. One person shared that, though an introvert, they accepted a leadership role and found support and spiritual growth as a result.
The education team has been hard at work to think about the ways we deliver opportunities for faith formation in the congregation. Sunday School classes for children will span the very young through high school this year. We have new teachers for youth Sunday School and a new curriculum we are excited about.
Adult Faith Formation has set an agenda for the Fall, which includes several classes led by Pastor Paul. We will offer a range of topics.
Cross+Gen Sunday School will return this year. We are making renewed efforts at building relationship across the generations. All are encouraged to consider participating in this important effort on the second Sunday of each month.
Congregational Life
“What is something we need to remember?”
The responses were positive and specifically noted that Lord of Life has adapted to change well over the years and that change can be okay. There were concerns about having too many things going on, so as we plan we need to be mindful of who and how we invite participation. Responses also were positive around inviting others. Additionally, people lifted up the importance of our Stephen Ministry team.
“How might we do more to create lasting relationships between members?”
Several people lifted up their experiences with small groups over the years and how important these groups and activities have been for building strong bonds between members.
“What does, ‘Loved by God, sent to serve’ mean to you?”
Showing what the church family can do when we serve others. Using the resources we have to do whatever is needed to serve others. God works through us through things like filling flood buckets, the mobile food pantry, and things like our recent landscaping efforts. God invites us to serve others and sends us out to do it.
The plan is to implement small group ministry in the form of “Life Groups” that will be formed voluntarily at first. Pastor Paul will begin a group to train small group leaders, then open up small group formation to the entire congregation. Dates to be announced.
Living in Mission
“Care for the Congregation”
Visiting members in the hospital, bringing food to shut ins, things like the old Koinania Dinners or Sweet Fellowship so new members can connect and feel part of the church family, game nights, Stephen Ministry, Sunday School and Adult Faith Formation classes. Senior Luncheons and the Older Wiser Lutherans groups are positive things for older members.
“Care in the Community”
God’s Work Our Hands days that are focused on serving outside of our immediate needs, roadside cleanups, Dubuque Food Pantry, meals for families at Prescott Elementary, volunteering at and donations for Open Closet, helping Almost Home mens’ shelter and the Rescue Mission, ELCA picnic
“Care in the World”
World Hunger offerings on the 4th Sunday, our giving goes to support things like ELCA Global Mission and Young Adults in Global Mission, clean water wells, education for farmers in other countries, the malaria campaign, adopt a child program
We will be focused on creating fellowship opportunities and a new opportunity for small group participation.
This year’s GWOH day was entirely focused on care in our community and world, service ranging from tying quilts for Lutheran World Relief, visits with shut-ins, clean up along the Bee Branch Trail, and rehabbing a home downtown.Children, Youth and Family faith formation position
We need a stronger cross+generational youth program, we need to develop a core group that provides support and helps answer questions when needed, we need more parental involvement and to give parents tools to be successful in passing along the faith to their children, we need to make kids feel like they matter at church, we need to talk with our kids and involve them in projects and serving, we need to create a culture of welcome for kids and to recognize faith milestones in their lives.People want to celebrate things like Rally Day to kick off Sunday School.
The Education and Youth Teams will be discussing a job description for a Director of Faith Formation. Pastor Paul has hosted multiple discussions at church to address what we value, what we need to do or have in order to meet the stated needs, and an evaluation for how we know when we are doing what we say we want to do.
Worship Times
Responses to the worship time survey revealed that are generally still on the right schedule for worship services. There was a preference for Saturday services, which we receive as an endorsement of our summer schedule. There were responses that indicate we need to evaluate another offering for a service on a different day of the week. In conversation, some expressed the positive impact of midweek services for Advent and Lent.
The Worship & Music Team will continue to evaluate the data and make recommendations.
General Comments
It is evident to me, as pastor, that the people of Lord of Life genuinely care for each other and that there is a passion for this place that is unique. I am grateful to all who opened their homes and all who hosted a cottage meeting at home or at church. I am also grateful to the council leaders who faithfully attended the cottage meetings to capture the responses to our questions in written form. There are distinct patterns in the responses, which I shall endeavor to capture in a brief summary.
In response to the question, “Why did you join Lord of Life?”
The things that were lifted up repeatedly had to do with what I will call “community.” When visiting Lord of Life for the first time, people found the people to be friendly and inviting. Music was also lifted up multiple times, the quality and diversity of musical offerings and involvement of members in sharing their gifts seemed to be a big positive. Another word that was repeated several times was “family.”
In response to the question, “What do you most enjoy about being part of this community?”
One person responded, “It’s more than worship. It’s family.” This resonated with the first question responses. It was also repeated that Lord of Life has a casual yet engaging way of being church. One person even stated that coming to Lord of Life resulted in them feeling welcomed for the first time in 75 years!
We will continue to evaluate and make suggestions around the topic of hospitality and welcome and seek ways for new members to integrate into the community of faith we share. We will have a renewed emphasis on fellowship opportunities, including a unified worship service on September 9th to bring everyone together after the summer for Rally Day and God’s Work Our Hands, and we will have a celebration of our 40th anniversary to share the story of how we got here and inspire us to think about where we are called forward by the Spirit.
Faith Formation
The Bible study on Colossians 3:16-17 led to the next question. “What do these words mean?”
16 Let the word of Christ[a] dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.[b] 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Responses were varied and included the importance of participating in worship, the importance of finding joy in serving. We also discussed that we serve in response to what God has first done for us, so we serve in Jesus’ name.
“What does it mean to grow spiritually?”
Though there was some hesitancy to respond to this question for some, others shared that they believed that growing spiritually meant doing things like participating in educational opportunities, taking some risks to do things that they have not previously tried, and learning how to listen for what God is saying through reading the Bible, listening to sermons, and prayer.
“In what ways have you been nurtured spiritually at Lord of Life?”
Bible studies such as a series called the Bethel Bible Study from years ago were lifted up by a few people. Others mentioned worship experiences, music, and through special services such as Holy Week and the Longest Night before Christmas. Others said that they were nurtured through relationships with others at Lord of Life.
“What can we do to help each other grow spiritually?”
General responses point toward encouraging others to participate in the life of the church. One person shared that, though an introvert, they accepted a leadership role and found support and spiritual growth as a result.
The education team has been hard at work to think about the ways we deliver opportunities for faith formation in the congregation. Sunday School classes for children will span the very young through high school this year. We have new teachers for youth Sunday School and a new curriculum we are excited about.
Adult Faith Formation has set an agenda for the Fall, which includes several classes led by Pastor Paul. We will offer a range of topics.
Cross+Gen Sunday School will return this year. We are making renewed efforts at building relationship across the generations. All are encouraged to consider participating in this important effort on the second Sunday of each month.
Congregational Life
“What is something we need to remember?”
The responses were positive and specifically noted that Lord of Life has adapted to change well over the years and that change can be okay. There were concerns about having too many things going on, so as we plan we need to be mindful of who and how we invite participation. Responses also were positive around inviting others. Additionally, people lifted up the importance of our Stephen Ministry team.
“How might we do more to create lasting relationships between members?”
Several people lifted up their experiences with small groups over the years and how important these groups and activities have been for building strong bonds between members.
“What does, ‘Loved by God, sent to serve’ mean to you?”
Showing what the church family can do when we serve others. Using the resources we have to do whatever is needed to serve others. God works through us through things like filling flood buckets, the mobile food pantry, and things like our recent landscaping efforts. God invites us to serve others and sends us out to do it.
The plan is to implement small group ministry in the form of “Life Groups” that will be formed voluntarily at first. Pastor Paul will begin a group to train small group leaders, then open up small group formation to the entire congregation. Dates to be announced.
Living in Mission
“Care for the Congregation”
Visiting members in the hospital, bringing food to shut ins, things like the old Koinania Dinners or Sweet Fellowship so new members can connect and feel part of the church family, game nights, Stephen Ministry, Sunday School and Adult Faith Formation classes. Senior Luncheons and the Older Wiser Lutherans groups are positive things for older members.
“Care in the Community”
God’s Work Our Hands days that are focused on serving outside of our immediate needs, roadside cleanups, Dubuque Food Pantry, meals for families at Prescott Elementary, volunteering at and donations for Open Closet, helping Almost Home mens’ shelter and the Rescue Mission, ELCA picnic
“Care in the World”
World Hunger offerings on the 4th Sunday, our giving goes to support things like ELCA Global Mission and Young Adults in Global Mission, clean water wells, education for farmers in other countries, the malaria campaign, adopt a child program
We will be focused on creating fellowship opportunities and a new opportunity for small group participation.
This year’s GWOH day was entirely focused on care in our community and world, service ranging from tying quilts for Lutheran World Relief, visits with shut-ins, clean up along the Bee Branch Trail, and rehabbing a home downtown.Children, Youth and Family faith formation position
We need a stronger cross+generational youth program, we need to develop a core group that provides support and helps answer questions when needed, we need more parental involvement and to give parents tools to be successful in passing along the faith to their children, we need to make kids feel like they matter at church, we need to talk with our kids and involve them in projects and serving, we need to create a culture of welcome for kids and to recognize faith milestones in their lives.People want to celebrate things like Rally Day to kick off Sunday School.
The Education and Youth Teams will be discussing a job description for a Director of Faith Formation. Pastor Paul has hosted multiple discussions at church to address what we value, what we need to do or have in order to meet the stated needs, and an evaluation for how we know when we are doing what we say we want to do.
Worship Times
Responses to the worship time survey revealed that are generally still on the right schedule for worship services. There was a preference for Saturday services, which we receive as an endorsement of our summer schedule. There were responses that indicate we need to evaluate another offering for a service on a different day of the week. In conversation, some expressed the positive impact of midweek services for Advent and Lent.
The Worship & Music Team will continue to evaluate the data and make recommendations.